Dhafir Healthcare Services is a licensed healthcare solutions company based in Abu Dhabi, UAE.


We facilitate a comprehensive license activating service for both overseas and locally-based health care professionals wanting to pursue a career in the UAE. By reducing the turnaround time and ensure that you are not entangled in the administrative and logistic hassles with the authorities, resulting in unnecessary delay in obtaining your DHA or DOH (HAAD) License.

Got your eligibility letter after all process but still didn't get a job to activate your healthcare professional license! Most of the employers & facilities look for the candidate who has an active license than a candidate with an eligibility letter, so once you get a good job opportunity simply transfer your license to our new employer.

Each emirate’s healthcare regulatory bodies (DOH, DHA, MOH) has the some different terms & requirements to activate a healthcare professional license in UAE, DHS’s licensing expert provides customized service type for every individual for every license types.